Self-Care isn't One Size Fits All
We are experiencing something that has never happened before, at least in our generation. Everything has changed around us, and it happened in an instant. One moment I was visiting Tulsa, and the next I didn’t know if I would be able to get home because the entire country started shutting down.
These times can be confusing and elicit uncertainty, anxiety, or a rollercoaster of emotions. Yet, they can also represent an opportunity for stillness, reflection, growth, rest, or whatever it is that you need in the moment.
So, how can we take care of ourselves during this? How do we find balance?
The good news is - when you’re choosing yourself there is no wrong way to take care of yourself.
And no, you don’t have to come out of this pandemic and quarantine with a new business or a new hobby, but you can if that’s what’s on your heart.
Last week, I joined a community coffee chat with Blk and Bld Coffee Roasters, (check out the full chat here) to share some of my tips to help adjust to this new “normal,” and to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves along the way:
1. Set and maintain a schedule
Setting an outline of tasks or blocking off your time can help you feel more grounded and provide a sense of normalcy. It can also help you keep track of your day and stop them from running together. Having a to-do list and a few things set in my planner has helped me stay balanced with productivity, rest, and anything else that may come up.
2. Boost Productivity with the Pomodoro Method
Set your timer for 25 minutes to focus on one task - whether it’s for work, play, self-care, cleaning, whatever, then take a 5-10 minute break, reset, repeat. This has been instrumental to help me stay focused on a task and to knock things out.
3. Move Your Body!
Sweat. It. Out. Whether you’re doing yoga, stretching, walking, running, dancing, or trying out some at-home workouts, make sure you move your body. Not only does this help release endorphins, but it helps move around all the stress and stagnant energy built up. It can also help reduce the effects of anxiety and improve your sleep. Aim for 30-60 minutes of movement per day and take it a day at a time. Check out some donation-based and free live streaming workouts, meditation, and yoga, from Me, Thrive Health Lab, and the American Heart Association.
4. Get some sunshine ️
Vitamin D anyone? Sunshine doesn’t necessarily solve all your problems, but it can help adjust perspective. It is a vital nutrient and getting at least 30 minutes of sun a day can improve your mood, boost your immune system, and help your sleep. Don’t forget your sunscreen!
5. Take time for things you usually “don’t have time for”
Spend some of this time doing things you always want to do, but never have quite enough time to do: picking up that guitar, learning that language, dusting off those books, painting, or even calling that friend you always plan on catching up with but never actually follow through. Whatever it is, spend some of these moments pouring into activities you genuinely enjoy, but usually get pushed to the wayside. Spend some time exploring.
6. Be kind to yourself!
Saved the best, and the most important for last! Make sure that you are being kind to yourself. Give yourself the grace and space you need for whatever arises. Give yourself time to process, grieve, reflect, and heal. Know that you’re not alone in this and remember that there is no wrong way to take care of you when you’re honoring yourself.
How have y’all been taking care of you? What has helped you process? Balance?
Sending aaaalllll the physical distanced hugs and love!